The reality of rejection

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Rejection can rear its ugly head in many different areas of life. Rejection can come through relationships, jobs, etc. Rejection is a part of life and all of us at some point deal with rejection. Rejection can also happen when we share the Gospel with others. People have free will so everyone is faced with the decision to either receive or reject the free gift of eternal life found in Jesus Christ. We know not everybody will choose to receive Jesus into their hearts.

The question is not if we will suffer rejection, but when we suffer rejection, how will we respond to it? Will we choose to throw in the towel, or will it only make us stronger and more motivated to want to share the Gospel?

The Lord Jesus, who knew all too well what it was like to deal with rejection said this in Matthew 10:14:

“If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.”

If someone is not willing to receive or even take the time to listen to you share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then the best thing to do is pray for them and then shake the dust off so to speak and move on. You cannot control how someone will respond to what you are sharing with them.

Keep in mind also that it is not you who they are rejecting. They are rejecting the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God knows their hearts and we are only tasked with the duty of sharing the good news. Rejection hurts especially when we witness someone intentionally reject God’s free gift. Do not let the reality of rejection prevent or hinder you from continuing to share because eventually you will find that one person who is willing to listen and even receive the Gospel. Do not lose heart!


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