Hello, my name is Mitchel Dubolsky. I am an ordained minister with a passion to proclaim God’s word to the world through writing and preaching.

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Mitchel Dubolsky is a native to Starke, Florida. He currently lives in Palm Bay with his wife, Ashley and their Australian Terrier named Little Dog. Mitch is an ordained Southern Baptist minister and has had the opportunity to work in various church settings such as Youth Pastor and Senior Pastor. He has a passion to preach God’s word to young and old and is open to opportunities to preach. He is passionate about missions having gone to the Philippines with the Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association from 2008-2016. When he’s not focused on doing the Lord’s work he loves to spend time playing tennis, watch a movie or read a suspense novel. He hopes that this blog will be an encouragement to handle life’s issues from a Christian perspective.

Mitch has a YouTube Channel where he regularly posts his sermons that he’s preached. Click the “Watch Sermons” button at the top right to be taken to his YouTube channel.

Want to connect? Contact Mitch here.